Friday, September 20, 2013

Draw Fireman

Under the special word category of Red, the word fireman was a choice.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Draw Shrek

When Shrek appeared as a choice, I picked it. I thought it would be interesting to try to make a drawing that actually looked like who it was supposed to look like. It turned out that Shrek was very easy to draw. I guess it already being a cartoon drawing made it easy.

The Shrek qualities are
The funny horn shaped ears that stick out of the sides of his head
The jaw-heavy shape of his head
The green skin and fortunately I have green colors now
The laces on his garment

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Draw Car Seat

I thought drawing a car seat would be easy and it was so-so - there were details to attend too.
The car with an open door so that the car seat could be seen
The kid that is ready to be released from his car seat

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Draw Harry

I forgot to save the Harry drawing so I caught a picture of it while I watched Player M try to guess it, she had a hard time. She guessed it after I drew the glasses. 

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Draw Director

I thought it'd be fun trying to depict a director and it was.

We've got the big glasses - though I am sure they all don't wear big glasses
We've got the beanie hat - they all probably don't wear these either, though maybe they should. haha
A big smile because they are making art and doing what they enjoy - some of them are, the best ones are.
The snappy thing - I don't know what it is called.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Draw Pop

I was up for a challenging word when "Pop" showed up in the list of possibilities. Pop could be a few things - a sound, a name, an action word.

I decided to go with the action word or rather a combination action/name- POP corn, so that is what I drew, pop corn that was popping. I pop corn at home in a pan, so I know what this looks like, although, the pan is always covered.

Player K watched this. First she saw the stove being drawn, then the red-hot stove eye, then the pot, then the corn kernels, then the popped corn, then the action lines. It worked out, she guessed it.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Draw Switch

Okay, a switch.

There are all kinds of switches; I drew a common switch, a light switch. I must have done this well enough because Player M guessed this quickly.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Draw Steam

This was going to be interesting - drawing steam. I frequently see steam rising out of something hot, usually my tea kettle, but also a pot on the stove. I knew Player "C" has seen steam in similar places and so I decided it was safe to draw a steaming pot on a stove top. I only have four colors plus white, which is the background, so I did the best I could.

The nice thing about this game is that the player sees an animation the drawing as it is drawn, so Player "C" saw the stove top being drawn, then the white "eyes" and then the red eye, and then the pot, then the pot lid, then the steam rising, depicted with the color yellow.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Draw Cow

Anyone can draw a cow, right? So why not draw it really really cute with big sparkly eyes, a gold earring, and a few daisies in its mouth.
The cow-like qualities are
The big cow nose
The ears that stick out the sides
The two horn stubs that are just indicated by a short crop of cow hair.
Black and white coloring

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Draw Jockey

A jockey is not hard to draw. What was hard about depicting a jockey was drawing the horse. I let it go and did not try to draw a wonderful horse; instead, I drew a running horse made up of strategically placed lines that represented the action. Player "C" guessed this drawing quickly.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Draw King Tut

When I saw the word "Kingtut" as an option to draw, I chose it. It turned out to be harder to draw that I thought it would be.
I tried to draw the commonly depicted image of Tut

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Draw Gnome

Oh wow, so easy, a gnome, I thought. But then, what does a gnome look like? I had to google gnome to make sure that I drew the landmark qualities that makes a gnome, a gnome. In the case of the current trending gnome that's a pointed hat, a beard, boots, a belt, and a tunic.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Draw Steal

Steal was the first action word that I chose to draw. In my new-to-the-game-ness, I wrote "an action" on the drawing last just in case the object was not clear enough.

The action of stealing can be illustrated in several ways. I chose to illustrate it simply with a few classic elements-
The thief shown wearing a mask
The purse with exposed money
The hand with bent fingers

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Draw Egg

What could be easier than drawing an egg? Everyone, or just about everyone, on the face of the earth might possibly recognize an egg.

They're a bit oval and when cracked open contain two major parts, both recognizable no matter what color they are. I went for the classic appearance of a sunny side up egg.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Draw Stallone

This is drawing number 20 and was quite a challenge, much more challenging than the lawyer - this is a specific person. I wondered to myself about the sort of clues that I could include so that my friend would be able to guess who this person is in the drawing.
Stallone clues:
He is Rocky in the Rocky movies - rather well known.
In these movies, he was in love with Adrian.
He was a boxer in the movies and always received a lot of bruising punches to the face.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Draw Lawyer

Draw a lawyer - this was the first hard word presented to me that I chose to draw. It was also shortly after I learned how to save a picture. As always, it is important for my drawing buddy to be able to guess the drawing, so I tried.
Key points:
Well dressed
Expressivily Talking - maybe this is only a TV lawyer
In a courtroom
Blood sucking - I don't really believe that, but it was included during the last second in the drawing just in case my drawing didn't register "lawyer" to my friend.

Drawn on a Sony tablet with an index finger (mine) while playing Draw Something.